All Seasons Goes Paperless and Streamlines Processes with CareLineLive

CareLineLive’s platform reduces phone calls and provides All Seasons’ carers and clients’ families with key information remotely

All Seasons, the Kent-based health and social care provider, has automated processes and eliminated the need for paperwork after selecting CareLineLive, the all-in-one homecare management software provider.

Prior to using CareLineLive’s technology, All Seasons used rota software which had limited capabilities and didn’t deliver the speed or information that the agency and their carers required. After researching new technology offerings—and being surprised at the advancements over the last 10-15 years—All Seasons selected CareLineLive to reduce its manual processes and empower its carers.

In particular, the All Seasons team required a user-friendly and web-based platform that could automate processes and streamline rostering and planning. Luke Ixer, Finance Manager at All Seasons, commented: “Before CareLineLive, the team had to manually schedule each client visit and write up notes in multiple record books, which took up a considerable amount of time. With CareLineLive’s platform, we’ve been able to go fully digital which makes reporting and audits much easier.”

The map feature of CareLineLive’s Carer Companion app was also noted as extremely helpful for All Seasons’ carers, especially when it comes to plotting routes and visits. The app is worlds away from the previous server-based rostering system that was difficult to access remotely.

Ixer continued: “CareLineLive has really helped us to future-proof our operations and help our agency staff and carers to save a considerable amount of time. Carers are now able to access all notes via the app, rather than having to call the office or read through the visit books, and they have been able to keep families up-to-date with their loved one’s care via the app throughout the pandemic.”

The phone traffic at All Seasons has also reduced significantly, as carers and family members can access information about rotas and completed visits remotely. This has reduced the amount of time agency staff need to spend on the phone, and ensures that carers and client families have immediate, real-time information about visits.

Josh Hough, founder and MD at CareLineLive, commented: “All Seasons has dramatically improved its processes by adopting technology, which gives carers more time to do what they do best: care. By reducing the number of calls and empowering carers to access information remotely, the team has all information in real-time and can simplify reporting and audits.”
