Chief nurse at London trust starts ‘breakfast club’ with new nurses

University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust noted that starting a new job can be a “scary, uncertain time”, so its chief nurse is hoping to make it a bit easier with a novel idea.

New nurses are being invited to a breakfast event with Flo Panel-Coates, where they can talk openly about any concerns they have and how they are settling into the trust in an informal setting.

There are also breakfast events for nurses at all stages of their careers, giving them the chance to talk through any issues and share good practice, said the trust.

Ms Panel-Coates said: “I want everyone to feel respected and in order to feel respected they need to feel listened to.

“It is also good to hear what matters to them and how they are feeling,” she said. “One person was a bit nervous about a particular clinical skill and we were able to give them help and advice.

“It is also a great opportunity to thank them for their hard work,” she added.

Ms Panel-Coates thanked the Essex Wynter Charity, a nursing legacy charity, for their funding which enabled the events to take place.

New starters will receive a card with the details of the next event, the trust added.