Correction: ‘The reporting of adverse events associated with spinal manipulation in randomized clinical trials: an updated systematic review

This article has been corrected since it was published online. An error in Appendix 3 was identified which resulted in minor changes to the Results section to reflect the corrected data. There was no change to either the Discussion or Conclusion sections. The authors have updated the original manuscript to document the following minor changes:

  1. Statistical re-analysis resulted in the correction of some reported values in the Results section (‘Descriptors of studies reporting on adverse events’ subsection and Tables 2 & 3) . Specifically, there were minor edits to the reported frequencies and proportions by Risk of Bias category and the reported multiple logistic regression model values. These changes were minor and did not change the results of the article in any meaningful way.

  2. Appendix 3 (reporting on Risk of Bias) was updated.

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