He has been appointed for two years and had already recently joined Norfolk and Suffolk as director of improvement.
“Jonathan is a widely respected and experienced clinical leader and senior manager”
Marie Gabriel
Professor Warren was formerly deputy chief executive and chief nursing officer at Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.
He joined Surrey and Borders in November 2017 from East London NHS Foundation Trust, where he held a similar role.
In East London he led the work that ensured that the trust became the first mental health and community trust to achieve an “outstanding” rating from the Care Quality Commission.
He has more than 35 years’ experience in clinical and operational leadership in healthcare.
Professor Warren said: “It’s a real honour to be appointed to this role. My focus will be on improving the quality of services and building upon what is already outstanding or good so there is a consistently high standard across the trust.
Professor Jonathan Warren
“I can only do this with the support of staff and the involvement of service users and carers in constructively improving care,” he said.
He added: ‘I’d like to thank my predecessor Antek Lejk for beginning to lay the groundwork over the past year.
“I intend to build upon that and quicken the pace so that everyone in Norfolk and Suffolk receives the services they should expect and deserve,” said Professor Warren.
Norfolk and Suffolk chair Marie Gabriel said: “This is really good news for the trust.
“Jonathan is a widely respected and experienced clinical leader and senior manager. He is a specialist advisor to the CQC and the Mental Health Patient Safety Project,” she noted.
“He also has a track record of leading improvement in the CQC scores within the organisations he works for and, therefore, knows what is needed to sustainably improve the quality of NSFT’s services and outcomes for our patients and their loved ones,” she said.