New health technology will revolutionise asthma management saving millions for the NHS

Asthma and other respiratory conditions are the third biggest cause of death in the UK and…

New technology set to alleviate asthma and reduce attack hospitalisations

The NHS is facing unprecedented pressures this winter, and it is anticipated that patients with respiratory…

NHS Organisations – Apply for your NObreath® FeNO breath monitor today and optimise patient asthma care

NHS Organisations can apply for funding from the Pathway Transformation Fund (PTF) to obtain a NObreath…

New data show overuse of reliever medication in asthma is responsible for 250,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions every year in the UK

Analysis of UK inhaler medicine use and carbon footprint presented at the British Thoracic Society Winter…

Global survey reveals emotional and physical impact of severe asthma

It’s estimated that between 5-10% of asthma sufferers worldwide suffer from severe asthma. Unlike ‘ordinary’ asthma,…

British start-up helping children to control their asthma shortlisted for AbilityNet Tech4Good Awards 2020

British digital health start-up Clin-e-cal has been shortlisted for the AbilityNet Tech4Good Awards 2020 in the…

How British tech is helping children control their asthma

Good asthma control, taking medications as prescribed and using inhalers correctly, remains more vital than ever…

Clinically-proven gamification app teaches positive inhaler technique; crucial for managing asthma

A newly validated app called Rafi-Tone, developed by clinicians in the UK, makes using an inhaler…